买车并不像看标价那么简单. 无论你是直接购买汽车还是申请汽车贷款, 你仍然需要支付费用, 保险, 还要考虑维护问题. 汽车融资的难题有很多!

那么,你能买得起多少辆车呢? This is something you’ll want to consider before showing up at the dealership. 的re are some steps you can take to answer that question and ensure you are prepared to pick out a vehicle that matches your budget and lifestyle.


If you haven't done so, now is a great time to figure out your monthly budget. 把你的收入加起来,然后减去所有的开支, 包括租金或按揭, 公用事业公司, 食物, 服装, 和娱乐. 

Be sure to leave some wiggle room for unforeseen expenses and all those little things you might have forgotten to include. 如果可能的话,也要留有储蓄和投资的空间.  

如果你是一家之主, it may take a little longer to factor in all the costs of everyone in the family. Still, it's a useful exercise that will bring you greater security in the long run.


一旦你把所有的收入和支出都写在纸上, 你会希望看到你还有一些剩余的钱. 这笔额外的钱可以用来支付你每月的车贷. 

If you're not sure how much of your extra cash you ought to spend on a car, you could 向理财教练寻求帮助 以下是一些有用的建议. 


平均每月还款额为 新车575美元,二手车430美元. 但这并不是你能买得起多少辆车的答案. Your actual car loan consists of many factors, and all parts of the loan should be considered. 


你得到的利率会影响你的月供 as well as the total amount you will pay over the life of the loan. 利率由: 

  • 信用评分:你的评分越高,利率越低. 

  • Choice of vehicle: You might get different rates depending on the age of the vehicle or even the model. 

  • Term of loan: You will likely pay less interest for a shorter term. 

  • Lender: Credit unions may offer lower interest rates than other financial institutions or dealerships, 所以一定要货比三家. 


You can still get an auto loan if you don't have any savings for a down payment. 只需要找到 为购买提供0美元首付贷款的贷款人. And try to avoid origination fees, annual servicing fees, and any other hidden charges. 


此时,您将准备在an中输入一些数字 汽车贷款计算器

你可以用两种方法使用计算器. In both cases, you can play around with the term and interest rate to see different options:

  • Calculate for payment: Enter the purchase price of your dream car and keep adjusting it until the calculator shows a monthly payment you can afford.

  • Calculate for price: Enter in the monthly payment you know you can afford and see what purchase price it generates.


By now you will have a fairly solid idea of how much car you can afford. But there are a few more costs to keep in mind before you apply for your auto loan, including:

  • 税 and registration fees: 的se vary from state to state so be sure to check what you'll owe up front and annually. 

  • 保险 costs: You'll need a minimum of liability 保险 and you might want to consider comprehensive 保险 and other protections.

  • Gas: If you didn't add gas into your monthly budget, be sure to factor it in now.

  • Maintenance: Expenses will vary depending on the age and model of your car. Do some research and estimate the costs of ongoing upkeep and repairs.

你买得起多少辆车? 让Arbor提供财务帮助!

After finishing your calculations, you should be close to figuring out how much car you can afford. 但如果你还有疑问呢? Arbor Financial Credit Union is here to provide support and assistance so you are prepared in any situation.

出门买车之前, it’s a great idea to get pre-approved for your auto loan so you can enjoy sizing up all the cars at the lot without worrying about how you're going to pay. 点击下面了解更多!


